Planning Education Advisory Committee Documents

The South Carolina Planning Education Advisory Committee is charged with: compiling and distributing a list of approved orientation and continuing education programs that satisfy the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; determining categories of persons with advanced degrees, training, or experience, that are eligible for exemption from the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; and making an annual report to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    New guidance on orientation and continuing education requirements
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-07-16) South Carolina. General Assembly. Planning Education Advisory Committee
    On March 18, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the South Carolina Planning Education Advisory Committee (SCPEAC) lifted some of the restrictions on the delivery methods for the required Orientation and Continuing Education Training. At a special meeting on June 16, 2020, the Committee voted and approved to make those changes permanent.
  • Publication
    SCPEAC 2014 annual report
    (South Carolina State Library, 2015-01-30) South Carolina. General Assembly. Planning Education Advisory Committee
    This Committee is charged with: compiling and distributing a list of approved orientation and continuing education programs that satisfy the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; determining categories of persons with advanced degrees, training, or experience, that are eligible for exemption from the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; and making an annual report to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives. This annual report provides a detailed account of the advisory committee's: activities; expenses; fees collected; and determinations concerning approved education programs and categories of exemption.
  • Publication
    SCPEAC 2013 annual report
    (South Carolina State Library, 2014-01-30) South Carolina. General Assembly. Planning Education Advisory Committee
    This Committee is charged with: compiling and distributing a list of approved orientation and continuing education programs that satisfy the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; determining categories of persons with advanced degrees, training, or experience, that are eligible for exemption from the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; and making an annual report to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives. This annual report provides a detailed account of the advisory committee's: activities; expenses; fees collected; and determinations concerning approved education programs and categories of exemption.
  • Publication
    SCPEAC 2012 annual report
    (South Carolina State Library, 2013-02-14) South Carolina. General Assembly. Planning Education Advisory Committee
    This Committee is charged with: compiling and distributing a list of approved orientation and continuing education programs that satisfy the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; determining categories of persons with advanced degrees, training, or experience, that are eligible for exemption from the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; and making an annual report to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives. This annual report provides a detailed account of the advisory committee's: activities; expenses; fees collected; and determinations concerning approved education programs and categories of exemption.
  • Publication
    SCPEAC 2011 annual report
    (South Carolina State Library, 2012-02-10) South Carolina. General Assembly. Planning Education Advisory Committee
    This Committee is charged with: compiling and distributing a list of approved orientation and continuing education programs that satisfy the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; determining categories of persons with advanced degrees, training, or experience, that are eligible for exemption from the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; and making an annual report to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives. This annual report provides a detailed account of the advisory committee's: activities; expenses; fees collected; and determinations concerning approved education programs and categories of exemption.
  • Publication
    SCPEAC 2010 annual report
    (South Carolina State Library, 2011-01-25) South Carolina. General Assembly. Planning Education Advisory Committee
    This Committee is charged with: compiling and distributing a list of approved orientation and continuing education programs that satisfy the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; determining categories of persons with advanced degrees, training, or experience, that are eligible for exemption from the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; and making an annual report to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives. This annual report provides a detailed account of the advisory committee's: activities; expenses; fees collected; and determinations concerning approved education programs and categories of exemption.
  • Publication
    SCPEAC 2009 annual report
    (South Carolina State Library, 2010-01-30) South Carolina. General Assembly. Planning Education Advisory Committee
    This Committee is charged with: compiling and distributing a list of approved orientation and continuing education programs that satisfy the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; determining categories of persons with advanced degrees, training, or experience, that are eligible for exemption from the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; and making an annual report to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives. This annual report provides a detailed account of the advisory committee's: activities; expenses; fees collected; and determinations concerning approved education programs and categories of exemption.
  • Publication
    SCPEAC 2008 annual report
    (South Carolina State Library, 2009-01-30) South Carolina. General Assembly. Planning Education Advisory Committee
    This Committee is charged with: compiling and distributing a list of approved orientation and continuing education programs that satisfy the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; determining categories of persons with advanced degrees, training, or experience, that are eligible for exemption from the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; and making an annual report to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives. This annual report provides a detailed account of the advisory committee's: activities; expenses; fees collected; and determinations concerning approved education programs and categories of exemption.
  • Publication
    SCPEAC 2007 annual report
    (South Carolina State Library, 2008-01-30) South Carolina. General Assembly. Planning Education Advisory Committee
    This Committee is charged with: compiling and distributing a list of approved orientation and continuing education programs that satisfy the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; determining categories of persons with advanced degrees, training, or experience, that are eligible for exemption from the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; and making an annual report to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives. This annual report provides a detailed account of the advisory committee's: activities; expenses; fees collected; and determinations concerning approved education programs and categories of exemption.
  • Publication
    SCPEAC 2005 annual report
    (South Carolina State Library, 2006-01-31) South Carolina. General Assembly. Planning Education Advisory Committee
    This Committee is charged with: compiling and distributing a list of approved orientation and continuing education programs that satisfy the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; determining categories of persons with advanced degrees, training, or experience, that are eligible for exemption from the educational requirements in Section 6-29-1340; and making an annual report to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives.This annual report provides a detailed account of the advisory committee's: activities; expenses; fees collected; and determinations concerning approved education programs and categories of exemption.