South Carolina State Library Digital Collections
The South Carolina State Library Digital Collection provides documents and information that expand the State Library’s mission to provide equal access for all South Carolinians. These online collections create greater access to the State Library’s unique historical resources, government documents, and new digital projects.
Our ever-growing digital collections contain a wealth of state and federal agency documents, digitized historical items published about South Carolina from the State Library print collection, and collaborations with public libraries, museums, and public institutions across the state to showcase South Carolina specific digital projects.
We also partner with the South Carolina Digital Library to provide free access to an even larger collection of South Carolina historical materials from over 40 cultural heritage institutions across the state.
The South Carolina State Library strives for a high standard of accessibility for its patrons. Efforts are ongoing to make our digital collections more accessible. If you require reasonable accommodations, encountered an item that requires accessible adjustments, or if you have any questions regarding accessibility and collections, please send an e-mail to DigitalCollections@StateLibrary.SC.Gov and a staff member will get back to you as soon as possible.