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Emergency Solutions Grants Program Handbook

South Carolina Department of Administration. Office of Economic Opportunity
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act authorizes the Department of Housing and Urban Development to make grants to States, units of general purpose local government, and territories for the rehabilitation or conversion of buildings for use as emergency shelter for the homeless, for the payment of certain expenses related to operating emergency shelters, for essential services related to emergency shelters and street outreach for the homeless, and for homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance. The purpose of this handbook is to provide guidance to subgrantees of the ESG Program. This handbook establishes general and uniform standards for grant compliance.
Issue Date
South Carolina Department of Administration. Office of Economic Opportunity--Handbooks, manuals, etc., South Carolina. Emergency Solutions Grants Program--Handbooks, manuals, etc., Shelters for the homeless--South Carolina--Finance--Handbooks, manuals, etc., Homeless persons--Services for--South Carolina, Low-income housing--South Carolina--Finance--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
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