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SC Information Letter #24-9

South Carolina Department of Revenue
Issue Date
South Carolina Department of Revenue--Periodicals, Taxation--South Carolina--Periodicals
An Information Letter is a written statement issued to the public to announce general information useful in complying with the laws administered by the Department. An Information Letter has no precedential value. An index of South Carolina advisory opinions issued by the Department from 1987 through June 30, 2024, is attached.
Records, documents, and information made available by the agencies of the South Carolina state government or its subdivisions are made accessible through the South Carolina State Library Depository and are protected under U.S. Copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.) and South Carolina state law (Title 30 and 60, S.C.C.L.). Distribution rights are determined by the agency or author and users should contact the aforementioned for more information.