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Regulation 61-71 well standards

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
These regulations establish minimum standards for the construction, maintenance, and operation of the following wells: individual residential, irrigation, monitoring (including non-standard installations), and boreholes to ensure that underground sources of drinking water are not contaminated and public health is protected. These regulations do not apply to public water wells as those standards are stated in R.61-58, State Primary Drinking Water Regulations. Underground injection of fluids is regulated under R.61-87, Underground Injection Control Regulations. In accordance with R.61-87, the minimum standards for construction and abandonment of injection wells are as stated for all wells in this Regulation. Additional requirements for wells may be found in the following regulations: for injection wells, see R.61-87, Underground Injection Control Regulations; for water wells that produce greater than 3 million gallons in any month, see R.61-113, Groundwater Use and Reporting; for oil and gas exploration and production wells, see R.121-8, Oil and Gas Exploration, Drilling, and Production; and for monitoring and remediation wells at hazardous waste sites, see R.61-79, Hazardous Waste Management Regulations. Permitting requirements for Individual Residential Wells and Irrigation Wells are found in R.61-44, Individual Residential Well and Irrigation Well Permitting.
Issue Date
Well water--South Carolina
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