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South Carolina's Antebellum Militia

Stauffer, Michael E.
This publication draws on many sources to describe the organization of the militia in both words and maps and to list volunteer companies. In addition, the appendix holds a transcription of two pages of the Confederate Historian's rolls of South Carolina volunteers in the Confederate States Provisional Army. The publication is produced as a reference tool. Researchers may also wish to consult Accounts Audited for Revolutionary War Service and Stub entries to Indents (S.C. Department of Archives and History); Revolutionary War Pension Applications (National Archives and Records Administration); Wilmot Gibbes Dessasure, "List of Revolutionary Officers, 1886"; Murtie June Clark, "Colonial Soldiers of the South 1732-1774"; and Jean Martin Flynn, "The Militia in Antebellum South Carolina Society."
Issue Date
South Carolina--Militia--History, South Carolina--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775, South Carolina--History--1775-1865
Copyright status determined to be in the public domain on April 27, 2020 by United States Supreme Court ruling (Georgia et al., Petitioners v. Public.Resource.Org, Inc. : 590 U.S.__(2020)).
Digitization Specifications
300ppi, Epson Expression 12000xl flatbed scanner with Adobe Acrobat DC Standard software, Archival Master file is a multi-image TIFF; online version is a PDF/A-1b, 24-bit color.