SC K-12 Military Readiness Task Force : A Special Subcommittee Established by the SC Education Oversight Committee : Findings And Recommendations to be Presented to the EOC
South Carolina Education Oversight Committee
South Carolina Education Oversight Committee
Pursuant to the SC Code of Laws, the SC Education Oversight Committee (EOC) makes decisions about the accountability system for SC public schools, determining the methodology and criteria by which schools are held accountable. Through the inclusion of an accountability system that meets both state and federal laws and guidelines, the goal is to drive continuous improvement in schools, leading to successful outcomes for SC young people. The inclusion of military readiness is currently reflected in one part of the accountability system; a minimum scale score of 31 on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is included as one of five approved measures of career readiness in the accountability system that impacts SC high schools.
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Children of military personnel--South Carolina
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