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The South Carolina Department of Commerce administers the CDBG Program (Community Development Block Grant Program); the State Housing Finance and Development Authority (SC Housing) administers the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) and the National Housing Trust Fund Program (NHTF); the South Carolina Department of Administration Office of Economic Opportunity administers the ESG (Emergency Solutions Grants) Program; and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) administers the HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program) Program. All four State agencies collaborated to complete these Plans, along with input from other state agencies, stakeholders, advocates, and community members. The SC Department of Commerce is the lead agency for the Plan’s development.
The Plan contents and formats are dictated by the federal online HUD IDIS system, through which all states and direct local government recipients of HUD Con Plan funds must create Consolidated Plans and annual Action Plans, create projects and activities to be funded under the plan, submit requests for funding to disperse funds to recipients, report on accomplishments, and create a Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) each year. The entire process must be created in the federal IDIS system, using prescribed formats and including HUD‐provided and state-added content. The Plan is downloaded from IDIS and the contents reflect IDIS requirements.