Partners in Policymaking Newsletters

Partners in Policymaking® is an innovative leadership program created specifically to teach people with disabilities and the parents of young children with disabilities to:

    • Become agents of long-term change
    • Become active partners with the policymakers whose decisions will shape their future
    • Dream about a future with possibilities
    • Become empowered, strengthened, and encouraged to advocate within your community

Over 400 people in South Carolina—and thousands more around the world—have graduated from Partners in Policymaking® classes since the course’s development by the Minnesota Developmental Disabilities Council in 1987. There have been 23 Partners in Policymaking® classes in South Carolina since 1999. Alumni have gone on to contribute to non-profit boards, planning committees, government councils, legislative testimony, and a variety of leadership positions across the state. South Carolina Partners in Policymaking® is produced by the South Carolina Developmental Disabilities Council.

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    Recent Submissions

    • Publication
      Partners in policymaking
      (2022-08) South Carolina Developmental Disabilities Council
      Partners in Policymaking is a leadership program for adults living with disabilities and the parents of children with disabilities. This newsletter includes program updates, graduating class information, social media links, history, and notes from the program coordinator.
    • Publication
      Partners in policymaking
      (2022-03) South Carolina Developmental Disabilities Council
      Partners in Policymaking is a leadership program for adults living with disabilities and the parents of children with disabilities. This newsletter includes program updates, graduating class information, social media links, history, and notes from the program coordinator.
    • Publication
      Partners in policymaking
      (2022-01) South Carolina Developmental Disabilities Council
      Partners in Policymaking is a leadership program for adults living with disabilities and the parents of children with disabilities. This newsletter includes program updates, graduating class information, social media links, history, and notes from the program coordinator.
    • Publication
      Partners in policymaking
      (2021-10) South Carolina Developmental Disabilities Council
      Partners in Policymaking is a leadership program for adults living with disabilities and the parents of children with disabilities. This newsletter includes program updates, graduating class information, social media links, history, and notes from the program coordinator.