Office of Resilience Documents

The South Carolina Office of Resilience publishes documents to help lessen the impact of disasters on the communities and citizens of South Carolina by planning and coordinating statewide resilience, long term recovery and hazard mitigation.


Recent Submissions

  • Item
    Lessening the Impact of Disasters on the Communities and Citizens of South Carolina by Planning and Coordinating Statewide Resilience, Long Term Recovery and Hazard Mitigation
    (2023-10-02) South Carolina Office of Resilience
    The South Carolina Office of Resilience is responsible for developing and implementing a Strategic Statewide Resilience and Risk Reduction Plan. The Plan identifies major flood risks around the state and potential losses that could occur as a result of extreme weather events. The Plan provides strategies for local governments to implement resilience into their communities in order to mitigate potential flood risks.
  • Publication
    2022-2023 Annual Report
    (2024-04-30) South Carolina Office of Resilience. Revolving Fund
    This annual report describes the Revolving Loan Fund, its activies during the year and program receipts & disbursements.
  • Publication
    South Carolina Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP)
    (2024-03-01) South Carolina Office of Resilience; South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
    The Palmetto Air Quality Collaborative is a four-year planning initiative co-led by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control and the South Carolina Office of Resilience. This document, the Priority Climate Action Plan, includes a greenhouse gas inventory, identifies near-term and implementation-ready measures to reduce GHG pollution, and assesses the multiple economic, environmental, and community benefits that can be achieved by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The plan is intended to help decision makers and communities understand the state’s GHG emissions and identify strategic and collaborative measures that can be taken to reduce emissions and enhance sinks.
  • Publication
    2021-2022 annual report
    (2022-07-27) South Carolina Office of Resilience. Revolving Fund
    This annual report describes the Revolving Loan Fund, its activies during the year and program receipts & disbursements.
  • Publication
    South Carolina strategic statewide resilience and risk reduction plan
    (2023-06-29) South Carolina Office of Resilience; South Carolina Office of Resilience. Resilience Planning Team
    This resilience plan is intended to serve as a framework to guide state investment in flood mitigation projects and the adoption of programs and policies to protect the people and property of South Carolina from the damage and destruction of extreme weather events.