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University of South Carolina annually publishes a comprehensive annual financial report with auditors report, financial statements, and statistics.
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Publication Revenue Bonds Continuing Disclosure Annual Report For the Year Ended June 30, 2022 January 31, 2023 Filing(South Carolina State Library, 2023-01-31) University of South CarolinaSet forth here are the historical revenues and expenditures for the student and faculty housing facilities and net increase (decrease) in fund balance for the fiscal years indicated. The Columbia campus includes more than 25 housing facilities with more than 7,000 beds and 38 apartment units, including handicap accessible units.Publication Revenue Bonds Continuing Disclosure Annual Report For the Year Ended June 30, 2021 January 31, 2022 Filing(South Carolina State Library, 2022-01-31) University of South CarolinaSet forth here are the historical revenues and expenditures for the student and faculty housing facilities and net increase (decrease) in fund balance for the fiscal years indicated. The Columbia campus includes more than 25 housing facilities with more than 7,000 beds and 38 apartment units, including handicap accessible units.Publication Revenue Bonds Continuing Disclosure Annual Report For the Year Ended June 30, 2020 January 31, 2021 Filing(South Carolina State Library, 2021-01-31) University of South CarolinaSet forth here are the historical revenues and expenditures for the student and faculty housing facilities and net increase (decrease) in fund balance for the fiscal years indicated. The Columbia campus includes more than 25 housing facilities with more than 7,000 beds and 38 apartment units, including handicap accessible units.Publication Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2024(South Carolina State Library, 2024-06-30) University of South Carolina, Office of the ControllerThe University of South Carolina publishes this report annually to share important information concerning its operations and financial position.Publication Annual Report 2024(South Carolina State Library, 2024-06-30) University of South Carolina. Office of the ControllerThe Controller’s Office Annual Report for the University of South Carolina, fiscal year is a statistical overview that reflects the extensive activities conducted by the staff of the Controller’s Office on an annual basis. It provides a comprehensive overview of all information and statistics related to the different areas managed by the Controller’s Office.Publication University of South Carolina Single Audit Report Year Ended June 30, 2024(South Carolina State Library, 2024-06-30) University of South CarolinaThis is a yearly audit of the University of South Carolina using generally accepted accounting standards.Publication Bond Indebtedness Report For the Year Ended June 30, 2024(South Carolina State Library, 2024-06-30) University of South CarolinaThis report is based on a fiscal year cash basis for bond indebtedness and is a complement to the annual financial statements. It gives a listing and summary of current year activity of USC held institution and revenue bonds.Publication Bond Indebtedness Report For the Year Ended June 30, 2023(South Carolina State Library, 2023-06-30) University of South CarolinaThis report is based on a fiscal year cash basis for bond indebtedness and is a complement to the annual financial statements. It gives a listing and summary of current year activity of USC held institution and revenue bonds.Publication Bond Indebtedness Report For the Year Ended June 30, 2022(South Carolina State Library, 2022-06-30) University of South CarolinaThis report is based on a fiscal year cash basis for bond indebtedness and is a complement to the annual financial statements. It gives a listing and summary of current year activity of USC held institution and revenue bonds.Publication University of South Carolina – Columbia ARP Act Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students HEERF III(South Carolina State Library, 2021-12-31) University of South CarolinaThis details the expenditures of USC's allocation from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and its plan for students.Publication University of South Carolina – Columbia ARP Act Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students HEERF III(South Carolina State Library, 2021-09-30) University of South CarolinaThis details the expenditures of USC's allocation from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and its plan for students.Publication University of South Carolina - Columbia CRRSAA Act Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students HEERF II report as of September 30, 2021 Final(South Carolina State Library, 2021-09-30) University of South CarolinaThis details the expenditures of USC's allocation from the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act and its plan for students.Publication University of South Carolina - Columbia CRRSAA Act Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students HEERF II report as of June 30, 2021(South Carolina State Library, 2021-06-30) University of South CarolinaThis details the expenditures of USC's allocation from the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act and its plan for students.Publication University of South Carolina Single Audit Report Year Ended June 30, 2023(South Carolina State Library, 2023-06-30) University of South CarolinaThis is a yearly audit of the University of South Carolina using generally accepted accounting standards.Publication University of South Carolina Single Audit Report Year Ended June 30, 2022(South Carolina State Library, 2022-06-30) University of South CarolinaThis is a yearly audit of the University of South Carolina using generally accepted accounting standards.Publication University of South Carolina System COVID-19 Cost Impacts Actual thru December 31, 2020 and Estimates thru December 31, 2020(South Carolina State Library, 2020-12-31) University of South CarolinaThis details the expenditures of the University of South Carolina’s allocation from the CARES Act.Publication University of South Carolina System COVID-19 Cost Impacts Actual thru November 30, 2020 and Estimates thru December 31, 2020(South Carolina State Library, 2020-12-31) University of South CarolinaThis details the expenditures of the University of South Carolina’s allocation from the CARES Act.Publication Reports Required by Government Auditing Standards and the Uniform Guidance For the Year ended June 30, 2021(South Carolina State Library, 2021-06-30) University of South CarolinaThis is an audit of the University of South Carolina's compliance with the types of compliance requirements described in the OMB Compliance Supplement that could have a direct and material effect on each of the University’s major federal programs. The University’s major federal programs are identified in the summary of auditor’s results section of the accompanying schedule of findings and questioned costs.Publication Annual comprehensive financial report for the year ended June 30, 2023(South Carolina State Library, 2023-06-30) University of South Carolina, Controller's OfficeThe University of South Carolina publishes this report annually to share important information concerning its operations and financial position.Publication Comprehensive annual financial report for the year ended June 30, 2014(South Carolina State Library, 2014-06-30) University of South Carolina, Controller's OfficeThe University of South Carolina publishes this report annually to share important information concerning its operations and financial position.