S.C. Dept. of Social Services review of SNAP and CACFP programs : summary
South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council
South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council
The objectives of this review were: to determine if DSS is
effectively using program
data to identify potential
misuse of Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP) benefits ; review the staffing,
retention, initial training,
performance improvement
strategies, and salaries of
economic services workers,
and DSS’ organizational
structure for economic
services to determine the
effect on the agency’s
ability to administer food
assistance services ; review the consistency,
timeliness, and
effectiveness of DSS’
investigation and appeal
processes regarding alleged
misuse of benefits and
adverse decisions on
eligibility and claims in the
administration of food
assistance programs ; determine the efficiency
and effectiveness of the
Child and Adult Care Food
Program (CACFP)
monitoring and
reimbursement processes
and DSS’ compliance with
laws and agency policies.
Issue Date
Legislative auditing--South Carolina, South Carolina Department of Social Services, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (S.C.), Child & Adult Care Food Program (S.C.)
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