The Gold Star Journal, 2016 Edition
Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina
Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina
The Gold Star Journal showcases the excellence of students from every academic department at The Citadel through the publication of cross-disciplinary, nonfiction papers and creativity and ingenuity through the publication of photographs and photo stories. This edition's featured papers are: Progressive and Conservative Understandings of the American Political Tradition (Best Undergraduate Paper) ; Jacques Cartier’s Voyages to New France ; Homosexuality and Religion: Can Jewish and Christian Dogma Reconcile the Actions of the LGBT Community? (Best Overall Paper) ; A Call to Arms: Oratory as a Leadership Tool in the Case of Marc Antony ; Espionage During the American Revolution ; Mechanics of a Parachute Landing Fall ; Al-shabaab: Its Threat to the International Community and East Africa and the Need for More Support for the Mission in Somalia ; A History of The Gold Star Journal. The best photograph is: Second Battalion at Sunrise.
Issue Date
Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina--Periodicals, Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina, Student publications--South Carolina
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