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The Gold Star Journal, 2006 Edition

Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina
The Gold Star Journal showcases the excellence of students from every academic department at The Citadel through the publication of cross-disciplinary, nonfiction papers and creativity and ingenuity through the publication of photographs and photo stories. This edition's featured papers are: William Jennings Bryan: The Uncommon Commoner ; Magnesium: A Vital Link in Biological Function ; National Security Space: Safeguarding the Space Medium Through Transformation, Technology, Integration, and Organization ; Wealth or Attractiveness: Preferences for Mate Selection ; Failure of Leadership: The Differences Between a War and a Campaign as Illustrated by the Gulf War of 1991 ; The Personality Theories of Dr. Sigmund Freud and Dr. Carl Jung Applied to Vincent van Gogh.
Issue Date
Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina--Periodicals, Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina, Student publications--South Carolina
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