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Healthy Bucks Program : status update

South Carolina Department of Social Services
The Healthy Bucks Program, authorized under a proviso in the 2013-14 Appropriations Act, provides coupons allowing SNAP recipients to obtain additional fresh fruits and vegetables when purchasing fresh produce at grocery stores or farmer’s markets with SNAP benefits through their EBT cards. Each coupon allows the recipient to double the amount of produce purchased. In 2022 the proviso was amended to increase the incentive limit from $10 to $20. Healthy Bucks began in June 2014 with six farmer’s markets in six counties. Currently 44 markets/vendors are active in 31 counties.
Issue Date
South Carolina Department of Social Services--Appropriations and expenditures, South Carolina Department of Social Services. Healthy Bucks Program, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (S.C.)
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