South Carolina State Library Digital Collections

Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Tri-County Technical College : Five Decades of Distinction
    (South Carolina State Library, 2011-12) Garrett, Lisa; Tri-County Technical College
    Tri-County Technical College was founded in 1962 when the Tri-County leaders pooled their resources to plan the College after the South Carolina General Assembly established the State Commission for Technical Education and provided for the establishment of regional centers under Act 323, Section 23. This book is a celebration of the College's first 50 years. Includes profiles of the College's top administrators: W.T. (Bill) Yarborough (1962-1971), Don C. Garrison (1971-2003), and Ronnie L. Booth (2003- ).
  • Publication
    Making Recovery Real 2004 : Services for Adults July1, 2004 –June 30, 2007
    (South Carolina State Library, 2004-08) South Carolina State Department of Mental Health
    This plan seeks to provide a framework by which all citizens of South Carolina will have access to excellent mental health services.
  • Item
    Marlboro County Tax Book, 1927
    (1927) Marlboro County (S.C.)
    This tax book is a record of the treasurer's tax duplicate for the tax year. It contains information such as names, addresses, city taxes, county taxes, and balances for the year 1927. This is book three of three.
  • Item
    Marlboro County Tax Book, 1927
    (1927) Marlboro County (S.C.)
    This tax book is a record of the treasurer's tax duplicate for the tax year. It contains information such as names, addresses, city taxes, county taxes, and balances for the year 1927. This is book two of three.
  • Item
    Waccamaw Regional Transit Plan
    (South Carolina State Library, 2008-05) URS Corporation; TranSystems Corporation; South Carolina Department of Transportation
    The South Carolina Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan is being developed to set a course for future transportation investments in South Carolina. It is a long-range planning effort intended to establish a strategic statewide transportation vision, focusing on the mobility of people and the efficient movement of freight and goods. These elements will be linked to provide a cohesive strategy and vision for transportation investments in the state.

Communities in SCSL Digital Collections

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  • The South Carolina State Documents Depository provides access to publications produced by state agencies and state-supported academic institutions.
  • The South Carolina State Library maintains an extensive print collection of materials published about South Carolina.
  • The South Carolina State Library maintains a print collection of federal documents as a member of the Federal Depository Library Program.
  • The South Carolina State Library partners with institutions across the state to increase access to local holdings.
  • The South Carolina State Library has partnered with the Sherman Grinberg Film Library to provide access to digitized film reels containing historical South Carolina related content from the Paramount and Pathé newsreel collections.