2024-06-242024-06-242017https://dc.statelibrary.sc.gov/handle/10827/56441This journal corresponds closely to the October, biennial meeting of the South Carolina Water Resources Conference. The aim of the Journal of South Carolina Water Resources is to provide a forum for articles about the condition of South Carolina’s water resources, with the goals of influencing science-based management decisions and heightening awareness of our water resources. Issues published in odd-numbered years will feature select manuscripts, and in even-numbered years there will be a theme focus to preview the upcoming conference. This 2017 edition is Volume 4, Issue 1.application/pdfDocumentRecords, documents, and information made available by the agencies of the South Carolina state government or its subdivisions are made accessible through the South Carolina State Library Depository and are protected under U.S. Copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.) and South Carolina state law (Title 30 and 60, S.C.C.L.). Distribution rights are determined by the agency or author and users should contact the aforementioned for more information.Water resources development--South Carolina--PeriodicalsWater resources development--South Carolina--CongressesJournal of South Carolina Water Resources, 2017Text