Lackey, George H.2012-02-152012-02-151988-08 purpose of this paper is to offer policy recommendations to school districts and a variety of State agencies regarding at-risk and dropout youth in South Carolina, on behalf of the Research and Training Center of the Wit Lou Gray Opportunity School. To this purpose, we first review a number of research studies and research syntheses that have appeared in the professional literature of the last several years. Second, we present statistical information on South Carolina dropouts that allows us to better understand the magnitude of the problem in this State. Third, we review current state level policy recommendations to see better the direction in which South Carolina is headed in its response to at-risk and dropout youth.DocumentCopyright status undetermined. For more information contact, South Carolina State Library, 1500 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201.High school dropouts--South CarolinaHigh school dropouts--PreventionEducation--South CarolinaAcademic achievement--South CarolinaChildren with social disabilities--Education--South CarolinaAt-risk in South Carolina, the high school dropout : a policy paperText