Berthea, Power W.Hope, Jas. A.2011-07-132011-07-131922 is a directory for schools in South Carolina published for the years 1922-1923. The statistical data for the directories is drawn from the school year 1921-1922. The directory includes a forward from the State Superintendent of Education and a listing of chief administrators and personnel for the State Board of Education. The directory also lists county supervisors, members of county boards of education and the ranges of dates they were to serve, and county superintendents. The directory includes a listing of agricultural, trade and industry, and home economics teachers, as well as full-time adult and night-school teachers. The directory lists officers of main organizations, such as the School Improvement Association and the State Teachers’ Association. The directory includes a listing of superintendents and principals by county and college presidents. The directory includes extensive statistics from the 1921-1922 school year, covering school finances, such as expenditures, as well as enrollment and attendance, numbers and types of schools, and the average school session length in days. The directory also includes selected statistics from 1890 to 1920, as well as financial information regarding colleges.DocumentPublic Domain. For more information contact, South Carolina State Library, 1500 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201.Education--South Carolina--DirectoriesPublic schools--South Carolina--DirectoriesSchool directory of South Carolina 1922-23Text