2022-05-242022-05-242011-07https://dc.statelibrary.sc.gov/handle/10827/44245The federal Clean Water Act (CWA) directs each state to review the quality of its waters every two years to determine if water quality standards are being met. A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is a written plan and analysis to determine the maximum pollutant load a waterbody can receive and still meet applicable water quality standards. This TMDL document details Fecal Coliform Bacteria, Indicator for Pathogens for South Fork Edisto River: E-013 and E-113. 12 Digit HUCs: 030502030101, 030502030102, 030502030104, 030502030103, 030502030106, 030502030105, 030502030201, 030502030204, 030502030202, 030502030206, 030502030208, 030502030210, 030502030205, 030502030207, 030502030303, 030502030302, 030502030301, 030502030305, 030502030306, 030502030308, 030502030203, 030502030209, 030502030304', 030502040106', '030502040101', '030502040107', '030502040103', '030502040102', '030502040109', '030502040107', '030502040105', '030502040205', '030502040201', '030502040207', '030502040203', '030502040202', '030502040206', '030502040204', '030502040308', '030502040301', '030502040302', '030502040307', '030502040303', '030502040304', '030502040306', '030502040311', '030502040310', '030502040305', '030502040312', '030502030307', '030502030308', '030502060101', '030502060103', '030502040108', '030502040309', '030502040104'.application/pdfDocumentCopyright status determined to be in the public domain on April 27, 2020 by United States Supreme Court ruling (Georgia et al., Petitioners v. Public.Resource.Org, Inc. : 590 U.S.__(2020))Water--Pollution--Total maximum daily load--South CarolinaBacterial pollution of water--South CarolinaWater--Monitoring--South CarolinaWater--South Carolina--AnalysisWater quality--South CarolinaTotal Maximum Daily Load Document: South Fork Edisto River - E-013 and E-113Text