2017-03-092017-03-092008http://hdl.handle.net/10827/23859Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. The African American Museum Movement: New Strategies in the Battle for Equality in the Twentieth Century by Mary Jo Fairchild - College of Charleston “May We Pray that We be Given Strength and Faith to Stand Together”: Conflict, Change, and the Charleston, South Carolina YWCA, 1940s–1960s by Cherisse Jones-Branch - Arkansas State University Evangelist Billy Sunday and the Evolution Controversy by Paul Matzko - Bob Jones University Billy Sunday’s 1923 Evangelistic Campaign in Columbia, South Carolina by Jonathan Newell - Bob Jones University Religious Responsibility and Political Culpability in the Parliament of 1628 by Philip Whalen - Coastal Carolina Universityapplication/pdfBooksCopyright © South Carolina Historical Association. For more information contact the South Carolina Historical Association. scha1931.orgSouth Carolina Historical AssociationThe Proceedings of the South Carolina Historical AssociationText