2020-02-062020-02-062019-06-30https://dc.statelibrary.sc.gov/handle/10827/32753This annual report lists the Center's mission, core values, accomplishments for the year, county data, patient data and a summary of organizational priorities, goals and objectives & services in addition to a financial report. It also gives a list of board menbers and a biography of each of the executive leadership team.application/pdfDocumentCopyright status undetermined. For more information contact, South Carolina State Library, 1500 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201.Aiken-Barnwell Mental Health CenterCommunity mental health services--South Carolina--Aiken CountyCommunity mental health services--South Carolina--Barnwell CountyAnnual report Fiscal Year 2019 (July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019)Text