South Carolina Retirement SystemsSouth Carolina Public Employee Benefit AuthorityGRS Retirement Consulting2024-09-092024-09-092024-06-26 report includes a discussion of the recent experience of the System, it presents recommendations for updated actuarial assumptions and methods, and it provides information about the actuarial impact of these recommendations on the liabilities, contribution requirements, and the projected funding period. Section II of this report summarizes recommended changes. Section III contains findings and a more detailed analysis of recommendation for each actuarial assumption. The impact of adopting the recommendations on liabilities and contribution rates is shown in Section IV. Sections V through IX show a summary of the recommended assumptions for each System. Finally, Section X presents detailed summaries of the data and comparisons of the A/E ratios. This study pertains to the following plans: South Carolina Retirement System, Police Officers Retirement System, Judges and Solicitors Retirement System, General Assembly Retirement System, South Carolina National Guard Supplemental Retirement Plan.Records, documents, and information made available by the agencies of the South Carolina state government or its subdivisions are made accessible through the South Carolina State Library Depository and are protected under U.S. Copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.) and South Carolina state law (Title 30 and 60, S.C.C.L.). Distribution rights are determined by the agency or author and users should contact the aforementioned for more information.Valuation--South CarolinaPensions--South CarolinaRetirement income--South CarolinaSouth Carolina Public Employee Benefit Authority--FinanceActuarial science--South Carolina2024 Actuarial Experience Study for the Period Ending June 30, 2023en