2019-11-202019-11-202019-09-03https://dc.statelibrary.sc.gov/handle/10827/32172The South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department’s (SCVRD) mission is to assist eligible South Carolinians with disabilities to achieve and maintain competitive employment. The department is governed by a board of seven members consisting of one from each congressional district. The agency employs 1,138 employees and has a budget of $162 million consisting primarily of federal funds and $15.9 million in general funds. In 2017, SCVRD terminated a memorandum of understanding with a non-profit corporation it created in 2005. This corporation was dissolved and transferred all of its assets to a private foundation which is affiliated with the agency. The agency should develop a written affiliation agreement with the foundation and establish policies and procedures to clarify the interaction between the agency, its employees, and the foundation. The Client Assistance Program responsible for administering complaints was recently transferred to South Carolina Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities, Inc. SCVRD will begin developing a state funded equine program focusing on veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.application/pdfDocumentCopyright status undetermined. For more information contact, South Carolina State Library, 1500 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201.Legislative auditing--South CarolinaSouth Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation DepartmentReport on Vocational Rehabilitation DepartmentText