2012-04-182012-04-182005-02-01http://hdl.handle.net/10827/6554The reduction in State government positions coupled with the changes in land use and the dramatic increase of "urban sprawl" has truly tested the South Carolina Forestry Commission's Wildland firefighters over the past several years. Hazards from smoke produced by various plastics, rubber, solvents along with the natural dangers of a wildfire makes this occupation very dangerous. The following article recognizes several current issues of modem wildland firefighting and shows how enclosed cab bulldozers will alleviate these concerns.DocumentCopyright status undetermined. For more information contact, South Carolina State Library, 1500 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201.Wildfires--South Carolina--Prevention and controlBulldozersFire extinction--Equipment and suppliesThe utilization of enclosed cab bulldozers for wildfire suppression in South CarolinaText