2021-07-162021-07-162020-07-24https://dc.statelibrary.sc.gov/handle/10827/38394The purpose of a watershed-based plan (WBP) is to identify and assess specific causes and sources of water quality impairments in a given watershed and develop a strategy to address impairments. The ultimate goal of this cooperative planning effort for the South Saluda River WBP (the Watershed Plan) is to create a roadmap for implementation of best management practices (BMP) projects and other protective measures to help control and minimize sediment runoff to the South Saluda River.application/pdfDocumentCopyright status undetermined. For more information contact, South Carolina State Library, 1500 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201.Watershed management--South CarolinaSouth Saluda River (S.C.)Sediment control--South CarolinaSaluda River Watershed (S.C.)Water quality management--South CarolinaWatershed plan for sediment in the South Saluda RiverText