Improving the Code Release Process by Pre-Defining Testing Instructions
Simmons, Clifton L. ; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
Simmons, Clifton L.
South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
The Configuration Management (CM) team of the Information Technology Department at SCDMV is charged with getting onsite developed code into Production quickly and accurately. If a defect is found after the code has been moved to Production, Developers, Business Analysts, and CM go into a heightened mode to get the issue resolved as quickly as possible. This effort can and often does delay other releases and efforts. If SCDMV can reduce the number of errors found in production, other efforts will be less impacted, thereby, allowing this agency to better serve the citizens of South Carolina.
Issue Date
South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles--Data processing
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This South Carolina State Document was provided directly by the Division of Human Resources in PDF format.