South Carolina’s Comprehensive Priority List of CWSRF Projects
South Carolina Department of Environmental Control, Bureau of Water
South Carolina Department of Environmental Control, Bureau of Water
The Clean Water Act requires that the State maintain a comprehensive list of (infrastructure) projects eligible to be funded from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and rank them in priority order. States have the flexibility to fund a range of projects that address their highest priority water quality needs. The document, South Carolina’s Priority Ranking System for Wastewater and Nonpoint Source Projects, sets forth the water quality criteria used rank potential Clean Water projects. The Priority Ranking System is posted to the SRF Reports and Publications webpage at scdhec.gov/srfreports.
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Clean Water State Revolving Fund (U.S.), Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program (U.S.), Water quality management--South Carolina, Water resources development--South Carolina
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