Chapter 7 - Transferring a Waiver Case to Another Waiver Case Management Provider
Department of Disabilities and Special Needs
Department of Disabilities and Special Needs
The DDSN HASCI Waiver was started to aid people determined eligible through the HASCI Division and is part of the Home and Community-Based Services Waiver programs. These programs allow a State to use Medicaid to fund services not available through the Medicaid State Plan to people who would otherwise require care in a nursing facility or other institutional setting. The purpose of this waiver is to serve people with a physical impairment, including head injury, spinal cord injury, or both, or a similar disability. The section provides information on transferring a waiver case to another waiver case management provider.
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South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs, South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs--Handbooks, manuals, etc., Waiver--South Carolina, People with disabilities--Services for--South Carolina
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