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Statewide Airfield Pavement Management System Update - FDW - Fairfield County Airport

South Carolina Aeronautics Commission
Kimley Horn
For over 20 years, the South Carolina Aeronautics Commission (SCAC) has implemented an airfield pavement management program for publicly owned South Carolina airports. As part of their grant assurances federally obligated airports are required to perform detailed inspections as outlined in the FAA Advisory Circular 150/5380-7B – “Airport Pavement Management Program (PMP)”. All inspections performed within this program follow the guidance documented within the ASTM D5340-20 – “Standard Test Method for Airport Pavement Condition Surveys”. This is an objective process to assess the pavement condition in a consistent and repeatable manner. Due to ever-changing pavement conditions, the FAA AC 150/5380-7B recommends the PMP be updated every 3 years. The overall pavement conditions are analyzed using the ASTM PCI methodology. It provides decision makers with a comparison of pavement facilities and a relative indication of their required maintenance or level of repair to aid in project prioritization. A detailed explanation of the SCAC airfield pavement management program process and pavement management terminology can be found in the SCAC Statewide Report. Project elements performed for the 2021-2024 program update included the development and update of pavement inventories, documentation of pavement conditions, performance modeling, and maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) needs for all participating airports. This report summarizes the results of the SCAC pavement management program update at Fairfield County Airport.
Issue Date
Runways (Aeronautics)--South Carolina, Runways (Aeronautics)--Maintenance and repair
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