Toolkit and Training Guidelines to Support the Use of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors, Inhaled Albuterol, and Intranasal Naloxone in School Settings
South Carolina Department of Public Health
South Carolina Department of Public Health
This training guidelines and tool kit provides the local school district with guidelines to help develop and implement policies to stock and administer epinephrine auto-injector (e.g., Epi-Pen®), inhaled albuterol, and Naloxone/Narcan® in school settings. The tool kit specifically addresses: 1. Medication administration by personnel in school settings during emergencies, including stock: a. Epinephrine auto-injector for treatment of severe allergic reaction/ anaphylaxis, b. Inhaled albuterol for treatment of respiratory distress due to asthma, and c. Naloxone/Narcan® for treatment of opioid overdose. 2. Training requirements for school personnel who may administer these life-saving medications.
Issue Date
Bronchodilator agents, Adrenaline, Naloxone, Drugs--Overdose--South Carolina, Schools--United States--Safety measures--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
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