Clean Water State Revolving Fund Major Financial Policies FY 2025
South Carolina Department of Environmental Services. Bureau of Water. State Revolving Fund
South Carolina Department of Environmental Services. Bureau of Water. State Revolving Fund
Loan applications may be submitted to the Authority in care of the Office of Local Government, Rural Infrastructure Authority, for any eligible project that appears on the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) Priority Lists. No loan application will be considered complete until SCDES approves a Clean Water SRF (CWSRF) preliminary engineering report and issues a construction permit for the project, or alternative approval, as appropriate to the type of project. All eligible and reasonable costs associated with completing a project, including useful life reserve capacity, engineering expenses for the planning, design and construction phases, legal and appraisal fees, and land/right-of-way/easement acquisition may be included in a loan. See loan application instructions for more details. Specific determinations of eligibility will be made by SCDES, as needed. Loans will only be approved by the Authority for creditworthy applicants that can adequately demonstrate the ability to repay the requested loan.
Issue Date
Water--Pollution--South Carolina, Water conservation projects--South Carolina, Grants-in-aid--South Carolina
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