Management summary of archaeological mitigation at 38GE291, Willbrook Plantation, Georgetown County, South Carolina
Trinkley, Michael ; Chicora Foundation
Trinkley, Michael
Chicora Foundation
As a result of archaeological investigations conducted by Chicora Foundation in 1987 (Trinkley 1987), the South Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer ( SHPO) found site 38GE291 to be eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. This present management summary has been prepared immediately upon completion of the fieldwork at 38GE291 and does not contain information on artifact and specialized analyses. It is intended solely to provide a brief descriptive statement of the work
conducted by Chicora and to allow the SHPO to verify that the proposed work has actually been accomplished.
Issue Date
Plantations--South Carolina--Georgetown County, Willbrook Plantation Site (S.C.), Archaeological surveying--South Carolina--Georgetown County, Georgetown County (S.C.)--Antiquities
Copyright 2001. For more information contact, South Carolina State Library, 1500 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201.
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