SC National Guard: FY 2021-22 SC National Guard College Assistance Program
South Carolina Commission on Higher Education
South Carolina Commission on Higher Education
A postsecondary financial assistance program for S.C. National Guard members - the S.C. National Guard College Assistance Program (SCNG CAP) - was implemented in the academic year 2007-08 to better support the recruitment goals of the S.C. National Guard (SCNG). The Commission on Higher Education (CHE), in consultation with the SCNG, developed program guidance, and CHE promulgated regulations for the operation and administration of the SCNG CAP pursuant to SC Code of Laws Section 59-114-10 et seq. in 2009. The SCNG CAP is administered by CHE in consultation with the SCNG and provides financial assistance for eligible enlisted servicemembers enrolled in undergraduate programs at the two-and four-year public and independent colleges and universities.
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