Review of the use of state funds for an equine therapy post-traumatic stress disorder pilot program
South Carolina Office of Inspector General
South Carolina Office of Inspector General
In April 2019, the SC Office of the Inspector General (SIG) initiated a review of the use of funds appropriated to Lander University (Lander) and the South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department (SCVRD) for the implementation of an equine therapy pilot program for military veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The SIG initiated this review based on a credible complaint that alleged Lander and SCVRD mismanaged the non-recurring funds appropriated by the General Assembly in successive fiscal years (FYs) 2018 and 2019 for the development of the pilot program. The scope and objectives were to:
• Review Lander’s expenditure of $500,000 in non-recurring funds received in FY 2018 under Proviso 117.134 for its equestrian center operations and development of an equine therapy pilot program; and
• Review SCVRD’s expenditure of $500,000 in non-recurring funds received in FY 2019 under Proviso 118.15 for the development of an equine therapy pilot program for military veterans.
Issue Date
Lander University--Auditing, South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department--Auditing, Horses--Therapeutic use--South Carolina, Psychotherapy--South Carolina
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