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Backpack conversations

South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services
This document is to help make it easier to talk to children about alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and vaping at an early age – or any age. The idea is to cut out these conversation starters and put one in a child’s school backpack or lunch a couple of times a week. Then, parents or caregivers can find a good time to talk about whatever is on the conversation starter. Not all of them are about alcohol and drugs. The point is to make short, frequent talks with children easier and more comfortable. The conversations are for grades Kindergarten through fourth grade, fifth through eighth grade, and for teens/young adults in grades nine through twelve and on.
Issue Date
Youth--Alcohol use, Youth--Drug use
Copyright status determined to be in the public domain on April 27, 2020 by United States Supreme Court ruling (Georgia et al., Petitioners v. Public.Resource.Org, Inc. : 590 U.S.__(2020))
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