SC Revenue Ruling #24-4
South Carolina Department of Revenue
South Carolina Department of Revenue
The purpose of a Revenue Ruling is to provide guidance to the public. It is an advisory opinion issued to apply principles of tax law to a set of facts or general category of taxpayers. It is the Department’s position until superseded or modified by a change in statute, regulation, court decision, or another Department advisory opinion. S.C. Code Ann. § 12-21-2420 imposes an admissions tax of five percent (5%) upon all paid admissions to places of amusement within this State. On May 13, 2024, Governor Henry McMaster signed Bill Number H. 3880 (“Act”), which amends S.C. Code Ann. § 12-21-2420 to exempt from admissions tax “annual or monthly dues paid to a golf club.” The purpose of this advisory opinion is to address questions concerning the scope of this exemption.
Issue Date
South Carolina Department of Revenue--Periodicals, Athletic clubs--South Carolina
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