University of South Carolina Aiken Catalogs

University of South Carolina Aiken publishes a catalog with information about the university, student life, undergraduate and graduate academic programs, and faculty and staff listings.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    2023-2024 academic bulletin & course catalog
    (2023-08-11) University of South Carolina at Aiken
    University of South Carolina Aiken publishes a catalog with information about the university, student life, undergraduate and graduate academic programs, and faculty and staff listings.
  • Publication
    Continuing education 2022 catalog
    (2022-07-21) University of South Carolina at Aiken. Office of External Programs
    This catalog offers a dynamic selection of courses provided by our Continuing Education Department, the Academy for Lifelong Learning, and the McGrath Computer Learning Center. It describes programs that are presented by the USC Aiken faculty and experts from our community :p ractical training seminars and workshops; an immense variety of online programs; exciting travel opportunities; engaging presentations; and insightful field experiences. The catalog offers courses from specialized trainings to help advance your career, to classes that are just for fun.
  • Publication
    2022-2023 academic bulletin & course catalog
    (2022) University of South Carolina at Aiken
    University of South Carolina Aiken publishes a catalog with information about the university, student life, undergraduate and graduate academic programs, and faculty and staff listings.
  • Publication
    2021-2022 academic bulletin & course catalog
    (2021) University of South Carolina at Aiken
    University of South Carolina Aiken publishes a catalog with information about the university, student life, undergraduate and graduate academic programs, and faculty and staff listings.
  • Publication
    Parent and family relations 2020-2021 calendar
    (2020-06-24) University of South Carolina at Aiken
    We know that parents and families are important stakeholders in the success of UofSC Aiken Pacers. Students are now entering the Pacer track, and we want to provide resources to support you as you cheer them to the finish line! This calendar is one resource. It contains important university dates, directory information, and conversation tips for you to consider as you encourage your Pacer.
  • Publication
    2020-2021 academic bulletin & course catalog
    (2020-08-12) University of South Carolina at Aiken
    University of South Carolina Aiken publishes a catalog with information about the university, student life, undergraduate and graduate academic programs, and faculty and staff listings.
  • Publication
    Winter/Spring 2020 catalog
    (2019-12-11) University of South Carolina at Aiken. Office of External Programs, Continuing Education, and Conferences
    This catalog offers a dynamic selection of courses provided by our Continuing Education Department, the Academy for Lifelong Learning, and the McGrath Computer Learning Center. It describes programs that are presented by the USC Aiken faculty and experts from our community :p ractical training seminars and workshops; an immense variety of online programs; exciting travel opportunities; engaging presentations; and insightful field experiences. The catalog offers courses from specialized trainings to help advance your career, to classes that are just for fun.
  • Publication
    Academic bulletin & course catalog
    (2020-03-24) University of South Carolina at Aiken
    University of South Carolina Aiken publishes a catalog with information about the university, student life, undergraduate and graduate academic programs, and faculty and staff listings.