Report on the Educational Credit for Exceptional Needs Children (ECENC) Program FY 2022-23
May, Jenny ; South Carolina Education Oversight Committee
May, Jenny
South Carolina Education Oversight Committee
This report is the sixth annual report on the impact of the Educational Credit for Exceptional Needs Children (ECENC) program as required by Act 247 of 2018. The ECENC program provides grants and parental tax credits to students with exceptional needs attending private schools that meet specific eligibility requirements for approval by the Education Oversight Committee (EOC). Exceptional SC is a 501 (c) (3) that raises and accepts funds and reviews student grant applications for an ECENC grant. This evaluation was prepared using information and data from the state fiscal year 2021-22 and utilizes information prepared by the South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR) and Exceptional SC.
Issue Date
Special education--South Carolina--Finance, Tuition tax credits--South Carolina
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