School district organization and governance in South Carolina
Ulbrich, Holley H. ; Jim Self Center on the Future
Ulbrich, Holley H.
Jim Self Center on the Future
Issue Date
School districts--South Carolina, School boards--South Carolina
This paper examines the structure and governance of public education in South Carolina at
both the state and local levels. We are particularly concerned with the local dimensions: the
number and sizes of districts, the size and composition of school boards, and the methods by
which either or both can be changed. We also consider the implications of this structure for
the ability of school districts to provide an adequate education to all their pupils and to do so in
a flexible but accountable manner that reflects and respects the different needs, backgrounds,
challenges and opportunities of their student populations.
Copyright status determined to be in the public domain on April 27, 2020 by United States Supreme Court ruling (Georgia et al., Petitioners v. Public.Resource.Org, Inc. : 590 U.S.__(2020))