Addressing social isolation in older adults as a determinant of health
South Carolina Department on Aging ; South Carolina Institute of Medicine & Public Health ; Siuba, Justina M. ; Haire, Erin ; Carroll, Emily
South Carolina Department on Aging
South Carolina Institute of Medicine & Public Health
Siuba, Justina M.
Haire, Erin
Carroll, Emily
Issue Date
Social isolation--South Carolina, Older people--Health and hygiene--South Carolina, Loneliness in old age--South Carolina
While social isolation finds its way to all ages, this focus centers on the impact it has on older adults in our state. In
this report, you will learn about the effect social isolation has on the physical and mental health of older adults.
The recommendations in the following report are noted as the top areas of concern, and includes suggested
ways to reduce problems associated with social isolation in our most vulnerable population.
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