Reimbursements for Teacher Step Increase - Act of 2021
Rainwater, Frank A, ; South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office
Rainwater, Frank A,
South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office
Act 3 requires Revenue and Fiscal Affairs to determine the increase in total salaries of
eligible positions between School Years 2019-20 and 2020-21 due to moving up one year
of experience on the state minimum salary schedule. Of the 57,324 positions contained
in data provided by the SC Department of Education, we determined that 47,402
positions were eligible positions. After determining change in salaries based on moving
up one year in the state minimum salary schedule for these eligible positions, we
calculated the reimbursement to total $33,953,749.
Issue Date
South Carolina. Reimbursements for Teacher STEP Increase Act of 2021, Teachers--Salaries, etc.--South Carolina, School districts--South Carolina--Finance
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