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Act 388 revisited

Saltzman, Ellen Weeks
Ulbrich, Holley H.
Jim Self Center on the Future
This report reviews the effects of homeowner school propert tax relief in South Carolina. The impact of tax relief on the level of school district funding and its composition is examined statewide and at the district level. Particular emphasis is given to identifying distributional chamges among districts resulting grom Act 388 of 2006, which had a negative impact on many poorer districts, School funding data examined in this report is from fiscal years 1994-95 to 2009-10.
Issue Date
Property tax relief--South Carolina, Property tax--Law and legislation--South Carolina, School districts--South Carolina--Finance
Copyright status determined to be in the public domain on April 27, 2020 by United States Supreme Court ruling (Georgia et al., Petitioners v. Public.Resource.Org, Inc. : 590 U.S.__(2020))
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