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Managing oysters in South Carolina : a five year program to enhance/restore shellfish stocks and reef habitats through shell planting and technology improvements

Coen, Loren D.
South Carolina Marine Resources Division
South Carolina Saltwater Recreational Fisheries License Program
The primary goal of this five-year project was to evaluate the effectiveness of SCDNR shellplanting activities and make recommendations for improvement. The specific objectives were to: (1) survey existing recreational oyster grounds to evaluate the state of the resource and make planting recommendations; (2) study large-scale restoration efforts on selected PSGs and SSGs in order to evaluate effectiveness; (3) evaluate restoration success in terms of site characteristics in order to improve site selection; (4) evaluate restoration alternatives to determine whether they are effective both in terms of cost and results.
Issue Date
Oysters--South Carolina, Oyster industry--South Carolina
Copyright status undetermined. For more information contact, South Carolina State Library, 1500 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201.
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