South Carolina CDBG-MIT action plan
South Carolina Office of Resilience, Disaster Recovery Division
South Carolina Office of Resilience, Disaster Recovery Division
As required by HUD, South Carolina submits this Action Plan to establish how the State will allocate its
funds through its mitigation programs. This includes the proposed use of funds, criteria for eligibility, and how funds will address long-term mitigation throughout the state. The Mitigation Needs Assessment, which evaluates the risk profiles
of the South Carolina and HUD-defined Most Impacted and Distressed areas, the critical lifelines potentially at risk in those
areas, and the social vulnerability of the target area, forms the basis for the decisions outlined in the Method of Distribution. This
Action Plan was developed with the help of many state and local stakeholders as well as the public to target the greatest mitigation needs that can be addressed by these limited federal funds.
Issue Date
Grants-in-aid--South Carolina--Handbooks, manuals, etc., South Carolina Office of Resilience--Handbooks, manuals, etc., Emergency management--South Carolina
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