Instructional Manual for the Operating Statistics and Transit Data Reporting Workbook
South Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Intermodal & Freight Programs
South Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Intermodal & Freight Programs
The Operating Statistics (OPSTATS) and Transit Data Reporting process is a method employed to gather and analyze transportation program data from sub-recipients of the SCDOT’s Office of Public Transit. All current Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 and Section 5311 and State Mass Transit Fund (SMTF) general public transit provider sub-recipients in South Carolina are required to complete and submit the OPSTATS report. The OPSTATS Report should be completed for transportation services provided during the South Carolina State Fiscal Year (July 1 through June 30). General public transportation providers of the SCDOT Office of Public Transit must have the completed OPSTATS Report emailed to SCDOT on or before Friday, October 25, 2024.
Issue Date
Statistics--South Carolina, Transportation--South Carolina, Local transit--South Carolina
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