Improving Member Engagement through a Digital Health Platform
Young, Heather ; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
Young, Heather
South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
Getting State Health Plan members engaged in their health is vital to reigning in ever-increasing costs to the State Health Plan. Currently, there are value-based initiatives available to members at no cost to help improve their health. PEBA, in
collaboration with its third-party administrator, BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina is launching Rally® in April 2017. Rally is a new digital health experience that will encourage members to get and stay healthy through personalized challenges, reward and content. The purpose of this project is determine how the launch of this new platform, including an extensive marketing campaign, will impact the health of State Health Plan members as well as overall cost savings to the Plan and members.
Issue Date
South Carolina Public Employee Benefit Authority, Health insurance--South Carolina
Copyright status undetermined. For more information contact, South Carolina State Library, 1500 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201.
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300ppi, Canon imageFORMULA DR-9050C scanner with CapturePerfect 3, archival and online file is PDF/A-1b.