Centralized Scheduling: Improving the Process to Decrease No Show Rates, and Increase Clinicians' Productivity
Musolf, Brian D. ; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
Musolf, Brian D.
South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
This project was selected to explore, and possibly improve the effectiveness of the centralized scheduling process that was introduced to South Carolina Department of Mental Health in December of 2015, through a state contract with MTM Services. Centralized scheduling was one of the areas addressed during SCDMH's yearlong partnership with MTM, with the goals to decrease patient no show rates, reduce gaps in care for our patients, and improve clinician productivity.
Issue Date
South Carolina Department of Mental Health, Medical appointments and schedules--South Carolina
Copyright status undetermined. For more information contact, South Carolina State Library, 1500 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201.
Digitization Specifications
300ppi, Canon imageFORMULA DR-9050C scanner with CapturePerfect 3, archival and online file is PDF/A-1b.