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Employment outlook : expected job growth for the medical workforce in South Carolina

South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium. Office for Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning
Issue Date
Medical care--South Carolina--Statistics
Employment opportunities for medical providers of all kinds are expected to grow over the next few years. For Physician Assistants the majority of the growth in jobs (68%) will be from the creation of new jobs rather than the need to replace those leaving the workforce, reflecting both new models of care delivery and the relatively young age of these providers. Not so for physicians, where at least half of the expected jobs for Anesthesiologists and Surgeons will be due to the need for replacements. For other types of physicians, the need to replace those leaving the workforce will be the dominant reason for job openings: Psychiatrists – 75%, OB/Gyns – 64%, General Internal Medicine – 63%, and Family Medicine – 67%.
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