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South Carolina natural gas infrastructure study committee report

South Carolina Energy Office
In 2016, the South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff - Energy Office (Energy Office) worked to develop policy recommendations associated with a comprehensive statewide Energy Plan. The Energy Plan and its eight top-tier recommendations were presented to the State Regulation of Public Utilities Review Committee (PURC) in April of 2017. The PURC unanimously voted for the Energy Office to continue its work on the Energy Plan. The Energy Plan identified a need to ensure that natural gas is a viable energy option for residential, commercial, industrial, and power generation customers across South Carolina and enables South Carolina to continue to attract economic development. Accordingly, one of the top-tier recommendations that came from the Energy Plan was to assess the status of natural gas infrastructure in South Carolina. The South Carolina Natural Gas Infrastructure Study Committee was formed in June 2017 as a collaborative effort of stakeholders including natural gas utilities, the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce, the South Carolina Department of Commerce, the Energy Office, and other stakeholders representing industry, business, communities, and the environment.
Issue Date
Natural gas--South Carolina, Energy conservation--South Carolina
Copyright status determined to be in the public domain on April 27, 2020 by United States Supreme Court ruling (Georgia et al., Petitioners v. Public.Resource.Org, Inc. : 590 U.S.__(2020))
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